Wednesday 31 January 2018

Artificial Intelligence- The Future of Evolutionary computing

Have you ever tried to open an app on your Android phone by saying ‘Ok Google’ or on your iPhone with the help of Siri? Have you ever wondered how these virtual beings help us in our day to day activities? How do they know what data it needs to fetch for our use? It seems as if it has a mind of its own.
Since the invention of computers, their capability to perform various tasks went on growing exponentially. Artificial Intelligence is a way of making a computer, a computer-controlled robot, or a software think intelligently in the same way as humans think. According to the father of Artificial Intelligence, John McCarthy, it is 
“The science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs”


AI is accomplished by studying how human brain thinks and how humans learn, decide, and work while trying to solve a problem, and then using the outcomes of this study as a basis of developing intelligent software and systems. This includes learning, reasoning and self-correction. 


Artificial Intelligence has a vast spectrum of applications like problem solving, gaming, natural language processing & understanding, speech & pattern reorganisation, image processing, robotics, intelligent computer assisted instruction, automatic programming, planning & decision support systems, engineering design and neural architecture.

Artificial intelligence systems are very, very specialised and are focused on a single task. AI is going to change every industry, but at the same time we have to understand its limits too. It will provide human-like interactions with software and offer decision support for specific tasks, but it’s not a replacement for humans. But still, recently a robot named "Sophia" has been declared a citizen by Saudi Arabia. Here is the video:
Source: The Jakarta Post

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